
college life

young adults & mental health
young adults & physical health
married young adults
married with children
single young adults
important relationships
college life
career or just a job?
military service
drinking, drugs & other addictions
feeling overwhelmed
lifestyle diet
lifestyle exercise
lifestyle sleep
lifestyle relaxation
lifestyle counseling
lifestyle medication
do you know who you are?
do you know what you need?

welcome to the emotional feelings network!

A not for profit network of self-help websites.

Welcome! I hope I can help you find what you're looking for! Anytime you see an underlined word in a different color you're being offered an opportunity to learn more than what you came here for. It's important to understand the true meanings of your emotions and feelings as well as many other topics that are within this network. This entire network is set up to help those who want to help themselves find a sense of peace in their lives - discover who resides within and recover from whatever life has dealt you. Clicking on the underlined link words will open a new window so whatever page you began on will remain waiting for you to get back to it!


If you can't find what you're looking for here, scroll down to see an entire menu of what is offered within the emotional feelings network of sites! 



click here to visit nurture 101!

There's a new site in the network! I am almost finished completing each page, but I can't wait anymore to tell you all about it! Please pay it a visit soon! It's an important topic!



wild colors? It's about life being colorful. It's about our emotions and feelings adding color to our lives. It's about thinking in colorful hues instead of just black and white thinking.


don't like them?


Click the link below and send me an e-mail to tell me so!

click here !!!


I am absolutely sincere in my invitation to send me an e-mail. If you'd like to vent - share your history - feel validated, make a new friend or just ask a question... I'm here and will always answer! kathleen



thank you for visiting young adults 101!